Pokémon TCG: the 2023 Competitive Rotation


The current Pokémon TCG competitive pool is getting rotated once again. But this time there will be some unexpected changes. Typically cards would be eliminated from competitive play based on expansion. After a certain amount of time (usually 6 months)  the cards are removed. This time legality is being determined by a regulation mark

On the bottom left corner of most modern cards there is a letter in a white box. This letter determines if a card is usable. Currently,  the letters D, E, and F are all legal. Starting March 30th, any card denoted with a D will be removed. 



A rotation happens approximately every 6 months. This forces players to keep searching for new strategies and gives new cards an opportunity to shine.

Any set released after March 30th will also be legal 2 weeks after the release date. This gives trainers an opportunity to build new decks and master them before any tough battles. 


Make sure to check your favorite deck to see which cards will need to go and which ones can be added in to give you a competitive edge. Don't forget to check our website for any cards that you may need to make your deck even stronger!


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