Real life Pokémon Heist

Team Rocket has struck again but this time in the real world. Recently, a picture has been floating around of a table full of stacks of Fusion Strike hits. The products were reportedly stolen and the Pokémon company has been looking into the scandal. 

This came to light when a hobby store in Texas was approached with an offer to buy the massive collection of cards. However, they suspected mischief and contacted the Pokémon company. The cards have since been returned and the Pokémon stated “It was the largest return of stolen property to date.”



The investigation concluded in 2022 but fans are only recently seeing the story. The next question from fans became, “Did they affect our terrible Fusion Strike hit rates?” 

The answer is, unlikely. It appears that the merchandise was stolen during the production phase and not the packaging phase. This means that the packs were not light but the company may have had problems filling them. 

Here's the statement from the Pokémon Company to

“We take the protection of our IP and associated products very seriously. This matter remains under investigation and we cannot comment on details at this time. However, we can confirm that Sword & Shield ­booster packs and products were shipped to retail as intended and we have no indication that the integrity of the products were impacted by any confirmed or unconfirmed theft. Furthermore, we continue to significantly invest in both the production and security of our TCG business. We value the faith our fans put in us and our products, and these investments are intended to help us continue to maintain their trust.”


Fusion strike pull rates just suck.

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