Scarlet and Violet New Galaxy Foil Promos

With the reveal of the Scarlet and Violet 3 pack blisters comes the reveal of some seriously cool galaxy border foil promo cards. Arcanine and Dondozo both have a galaxy border that we have not seen in a long time.

Although it is unconfirmed if they will continue to keep the galaxy print for all upcoming promo cards, the fact that they are featured on a main line product is a great sign. 



We have not seen cards like this since  They were first introduced on Pokémon ex in 2003’s EX Ruby & Sapphire and last seen in 2007’s EX Power Keepers. The borders then returned briefly in 2011’s Call of Legends.



3 pack blisters are a great way to boost the collection at a reasonable price. They are guarantee a glamorous promo card and also give you a shot at some of the amazing rare cards found in the set. Come into Nexgen Games when scarlet and violet drops on March 31st to get as many as you need!

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