In 1999, Konami released their all new Trading Card Game called Yu-Gi-Oh to the people of Japan. 3 years later, in 2002, America got to play the breakout hit. The game quickly solidified itself as one of the premier card games. The franchise boasts 3 movies, a popular manga, and billions of cards sold.
In 2009 Yu-Gi-Oh managed to break the Guinness Book of World Records with an estimated 22 billion cards sold worldwide. They surpassed even Pokémon and Magic The Gathering. They may not have been able to sustain that lead but as of January 2021, the game is estimated to have sold about 35 billion cards worldwide and grossed over $9.64 billion.
25 years later, Yu-Gi-Oh is ready to party and it is dropping some exciting products for you to join in on the fun. If the 20th anniversary is anything to go off of, we can expect some exciting new cards. Yu-Gi-Oh put out a massive number of special products, promo cards, and new variant foils. However, the company did not release everything at once. The products were released slowly from April of 2018, and lasted all the way to March of 2020. The 25th anniversary will likely be the same.
Some products have already been announced and they come with a heavy dose of nostalgia. Yu-Gi-Oh is re-releasing 5 vintage sets. They will come in a legendary collection box but will also be available in standard booster box format. The sets are:
- Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- Metal Raiders
- Spell Ruler
- Pharaoh's Servant
- Invasion of Chaos
Another exciting new feature is the addition of a “Quarter Century Rare” The cards will have a slight rainbow holofoil. Be on the lookout for the new 25th anniversary logo slowly being added to more products as they release. And check back in to see any new posts about anniversary products.
There are also special tournament events planned for Los Angeles, London, and Bogota on April 1-2. Although they have not been officially announced as "anniversary events", they will be Yu-Gi-Oh's 250th live event.
Hopefully, Yu-Gi-Oh will continue to release quality products and entertain us with years of new content and action. After 25 years, Konami shows no signs of slowing down.
You can pre-order anything online here at or come in to Nexgen for all your Yu-Gi-Oh needs.
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